Welcome to the Clayton Heights Secondary School Photography Student Galleries for 2011/12 Semester 1. Here you will find a selection of student works that represent the quality and hard work of our photography students. The Galleries are in sections based on the grade level of the course. Please be our guest and wonder through each of the galleries. Our hope is that these images and project will inspire you.
Please enjoy
D. Memmott
2011/12 Student Galleries Semester 1
Selected works from the grade 10, 11, and 12 photography programs at Clayton Heights Secondary School Semester 1 2011/12. This site is to be a place for student works to be exhibited in a public realm and to serve as an inspiration student photographers both at CHS and beyond. Students through th course explore many aspects of photography from basic darkroom to post production editing tools. Please feel free to explore our galleries and enjoy the students hard work.